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Pregnancy Loss, Stillbirth, Infant Loss

These are some of the most challenging losses to grieve.  Because you don't have much time with someone does not negate the deep pain their loss can bring.  The loss of hope, of expectations, of a life not lived can bring intense challenges. 

I am trained in the RTS (Resolve Through Sharing) model of perinatal bereavement care.  I am also myself, a bereaved parent.

I believe strongly in allowing the impact these little ones have had on us to be honored and processed.  The only way out of pain is through.Even if friends or family don't know how to respond, therapy can be a space of holding space for your little one as you move toward acceptance of this new role as a bereaved parent. Grief doesn't end, it just changes. Wherever you find yourself in it, I'm happy to walk through it with you.

Resources (child loss) (stillbirth)

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